Perishable Goods
We offer a special service for handling all types of perishable goods for import and export.Our staff renders a fully customized service tailored to the particular needs of each customer and his/her products. Thus, we establish absolute control of the cold chain thanks to our infrastructure and our staff especially trained in the reception, storage, delivery and transportation of this type of goods.
Dangerous Goods
If the goods to be transported have either physical or chemical properties that turn them dangerous or unstable during transportation, they can be subject to special regulatory restrictions concerning transportation.Our staff is trained and has considerable experience in handling this type of goods; and it will offer you advice in order that your shipment does not run the risk of experiencing unexpected delays or accidents during transportation.

Av. Santa Fe 830 6th Floor | C1059ABP | Autonomous City of Buenos Aires | Argentina
+(5411) 5272-0029 | sales@fullcargo.com.ar